

Gold Builders is the extension of Daniel Masao Gold. That’s me! I have been in the construction business for most of my adult life.

Let me get you some spiffy bullet points and we can go from there:



Picture     I will say NO.


Find me another GC in California who will say “no, I have not done that” and I’ll sell you my pet unicorn. I understand that people are hungry for work but I will never tell you that I have experience with something that I do not just to get a sale. I have oodles of experience in all sections of building and I will be very forthcoming about my skills and those of my employees.



Picture     Oodles of Experience!


Although Gold Builders was formed in 2016 I have personally been in the business for over 16 years. 10 of those as at Journeymen level. You can check out a list of trades that I have experience in HERE.



Picture     Handyman.


A good friend of mine and fellow tradesman does not like that word, “Handyman.” He see’s it as a poor mark of quality. I do not agree with him. I think he just knows too many lousy tradesmen. A true Handyman is someone who has knowledge of the plethora of trades. They are someone who can compete at a competent level with skilled workers dedicated to their single trades. To hire a Handyman or a Handy General Contractor is something you do so not to worry about hiring 10 different people to fix 10 different problems. I love being a Handyman, I’m good at all sorts of things. I even built the website you are on right now… check me out.



Picture     Trust


That’s a real picture of my key ring over there. It might look like a ridiculous thing to carry around with you but those keys make me very proud. Each of those keys was given to me by a client who, upon completion of my work I offered their return. Each key corresponds to an owner who told me to “keep the key,” often after just one day of interaction. Those keys are a prize possession of mine, also some of them are good at opening paint cans…



Picture     Education


I don’t just fix and build, I also chat your ear off. I love to share my knowledge with clients. A house is a living thing, full of all sorts of odd doodads and gizmos and if you speak the language they tell you their stories. It’s occupants should know their home and how to commune with it. I am always happy to drop some “learnin” on anyone interested. I also love to hear the stories of my clients, one of the best things about this gig is all the various people I meet every day.



Picture     Friendship

Ok, this one is a bit cheesy but it’s true. I don’t have many clients, they might start that way but most of them quickly become friends. Strictly speaking, I’m not really interested in being a professional. My work is professional, I have all the proper Bonds and Insurances to be a professional but I’d much rather just do work for my friends. Life is short, if you don’t love what you do then what is the point?